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Day: May 20, 2021

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

In The End ELIZABETH BANFALVI Mothers & Daughters BELYNDA WILSON My Landlord Noticed* Me SAVITHRI DUDDU Quiet Blooms YIREN ❏ Spring Around The World ISHRAT CHOWDHURY To Each, Their Own

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Summer 2021

Here Comes The Sun

MARIA LAGARDE ❏ In the winter dawn hours while I lay half asleep, half awake I gaze at the window and make out the silhouette of old trees standing motionless outside their skeletons and calloused skin exposed, bare and true

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Summer 2021

Let It Rain

OLIVE HANNA ❏ Lightly pricking Quickly forming droplets On the speckled pane Softly dancing, gaily prancing Jutting, creasing, quite insane Surging swiftly, glutting nift’ly Lagging spreading all around Moving slowly almost threadlike

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Summer 2021

Quiet Blooms

YIREN ❏ Early spring is like a roller coaster – warmth and cold occur unexpectedly. Yesterday, a cold wind hit me on the face with snow kernels. Today, I went for a walk with only a shirt and a jacket.

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Summer 2021

Spring Around The World

ISHRAT CHOWDHURY ❏ Coo! Coo! On an early morning, a cuckoo is spreading the good news. Spring is here! Get up and get ready! Adorn yourself with colourful dress and garland, earring and tiara, all types of ornament made of marigold flowers.

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Summer 2021


SERINA LEWIS ❏ Those teenage years below mango trees there was always something fun to share while warm and gentle was the breeze where are those days when we had no care?

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Summer 2021


SAJEDA MANZOOR ❏ In the silent night In stillness, I see a ray of light When soothing breeze blows The crickets are quiet A knock on my window pane Behind the silky curtains I stare at him with heavy eyes He disappears

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Summer 2021

Another Song

GISELE DE FRANCESCO ❏ Another song and then we danced I knew I caught the magic of romance I hope you dream about my love I feel for you I never thought our life could change To something new And now we have a second chance

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Summer 2021

My Landlord Noticed* Me

SAVITHRI DUDDU ❏ Satya woke up on Friday, excited about the long weekend although the stay-at-home order was in place and there was nowhere much to visit, except grocery stores and pharmacies.

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Summer 2021

Mothers & Daughters

BELYNDA WILSON THOMAS ❏ Rabbits will soon be out with their babies nibbling on the grass. Nests will be full of baby birds. It’s spring and the fecundity of nature is in full bloom. Fruit trees are laden with blossoms. The world pulses with new life.

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